A Thematic Approach to Our Nation's Story for AP* U.S. History

$32.00 |
Threads of History is a supplemental resource that provides a thematic review of AP U.S. History course content while building essential historical thinking skills.
BIGGER AND BETTER - The Teacher Edition was heavily revamped for the 3rd Edition based on feedback we received over the life of the 2nd Edition! The TE now includes the complete content of the Student Edition, along with myriad additional resources to extend and support the core lessons.
- Integrated lesson plans, designed to be used in a typical 50 minute class period, make it possible to immediately integrate Threads into your existing curriculum.
- Discussion Questions and additional primary and secondary source documents allow you to expand on key topics covered in the core lessons.
- 19 Long Essay Questions (LEQs) and 3 Document-Based Questions (DBQs) with detailed suggested response guidelines can be used in exams, in class, or homework assignments.
The amount of material you need to cover in AP U.S. History is immense. Use Threads of History throughout the year to reinforce critical thinking skills and extend the topics and themes you covered (or didn't cover) in class. Or use Threads in the weeks leading up to the exam for a higher caliber of test prep.
View the sample lesson for closer a look at the new Threads of History Teacher Edition. Use this sample with the sample of the Student Edition to class-test Threads with your students this week!
The Teacher Edition shown here is designed to be used in class along with the new Student Edition, available here.
About the Author

Michael Henry, Ph.D., served as the Exam Leader at the AP U.S. History exam reading for 8 years, in addition to his many years as Reader and Table Leader. Dr. Henry taught AP U.S. History for over twenty years in Prince George’s County, Maryland, and has written 4 books, 6 teacher’s guides, and twenty articles.He has given dozens of professional presentations and workshops across the country and has served as a consultant to the College Board. Currently, he is serving as adjunct professor of history at Prince George’s Community College and is a member of the Organization of American Historians. He lives in College Park, MD with his wife Ann and is a die-hard fan of the Washington Nationals.