Practice and Application of Historical Thinking Skills for AP* U.S. History

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The 3rd Edition of Skillbook features 37 chapters of practice and application exercises that will provide students with a rock-solid foundation of the essential Historical Thinking Skills at the heart of the AP* U.S. History curriculum. Carefully sequenced essay skill exercises help students dissect a prompt, make a writing plan, develop a thesis, and use appropriate support for their written argument. Now with detailed answers and explanations for a complete independent study experience!

Chronological Coverage
Each of the 9 units of the 3rd Edition is aligned to one of the 9 chronological periods of the redesigned AP U.S. History course framework.

Thinking Skills
Each of the 37 chapters focuses on one or more of the 9 Historical Thinking Skills at the core of the course. Each chapter provides instruction, guided practice, and independent application exercises.

& Explanations
The appendix includes detailed answers and explanations for each and every application exercise, making the 3rd Edition a more complete independent study experience.
Preview the Third Edition
You can view the sample online now, or download a copy to review and use later.

Short-Answer Questions
Skillbook is more than just essay-writing skills. Several chapters address the skills needed to answer the new SAQ format, and the appendix contains a SAQ section with valuable information, as well as tips and techniques.

New Small Size
The new "handbook size" (8.5" x 5.5") makes the 3rd edition much more convenient for busy AP students. Plus, better quality paper means the 3rd edition is also more durable.

New Low Price
Last but not least, we lowered the price of Skillbook by over 20%! With the Class Set Discount, the price is only $15/each.

Featuring detailed practice and application of
—the ideal tool for analyzing, interpreting, and organizing documents for use in a Document-Based Question response.
- Period Overviews: a comprehensive review of the main ideas, trends, and events of each of the 9 Chronological Periods in AP U.S. History
- Ideas for Discussion: targeted questions designed to enhance student understanding of the most significant aspects of the historical period, and which are suited for class discussion, small group, or even independent study
- Highlights of the Period: a glossary of key historical events, people, and essential terms
- Visual Source Exercises: Maps, Charts & Graphs, Political Cartoons, Paintings, Illustrations, and Photographs with analysis questions for additional practice for extracting and interpreting data from visual primary sources
- Worksheet Templates blank printable worksheets for each of the tools demonstrated in the book, like H.I.P.P.O., the A.C.I.D. test, D.A.I.L.Y. cartoon analysis, rubric guides, DBQ and LEQ Planners, and more
About the Author

Michael Henry, Ph.D., served as the Exam Leader at the AP U.S. History exam reading in Louisville for 8 years, in addition to his many years as Reader and Table Leader. Dr. Henry taught AP U.S. History for over twenty years in Prince George’s County, Maryland, and has written 4 books, 6 teacher’s guides, and twenty articles.He has given dozens of professional presentations and workshops across the country and has served as a consultant to the College Board. Currently, he is serving as adjunct professor of history at Prince George’s Community College and is a member of the Organization of American Historians. He lives in College Park, MD with his wife Ann and is a die-hard fan of the Washington Nationals.