Sherpa Learning Releases New AP Euro Exam Prep Guide

Sherpa Learning Releases New AP Euro Exam Prep Guide
ACHIEVER Exam Prep Guide by Christopher Freiler
ACHIEVER Exam Prep Guide for AP* European History—The Updated and Expanded Third Edition from Sherpa Learning is Available NOW.
West Milford, NJ — Sherpa Learning is proud to announce the latest addition to its catalog of outstanding resources for Advanced Placement: ACHIEVER Exam Prep Guide for AP* European History by acclaimed author, historian, and educator Christopher Freiler. Now in its Third Edition, ACHIEVER has long been regarded as the pinnacle of excellence in AP Euro test prep resources. ACHIEVER includes complete coverage of the AP Euro course content, two complete Practice Exams, four new Diagnostic Exams for each of the four historical time periods of the AP Euro course, chapter review tests, hundreds of primary and secondary sources, success strategies for the AP Exam, and much more.
The first edition, published in 2007, was part of McGraw-Hill Education’s “AP Achiever” series of AP review books to accompany their fourteen leading AP textbooks, yet Chris Freiler’s AP European Edition was the only title in the series to be selected by MHE for a Second Edition. This new Third Edition was updated to align to the latest revisions to the course curriculum and specifics of the exam. Every test item in the book has been correlated to the latest iteration of the Historical Thinking Skills laid out in the AP European History Course and Exam Description. The new edition also includes new Rubrics, Themes, and Key Concepts that have been revised or added to the course since the publication of the Second Edition. All tests and quizzes reflect the latest revisions to the AP European History Exam format. The new edition also features an improved and expanded index, making the text a more valuable reference tool and year-long course companion for students. A free sample is available for download on the publisher’s website at
David Nazarian, Sherpa Learning’s CEO, says ACHIEVER represents a major step forward for Sherpa Learning. “A quick Google search will show that earlier editions garnered much acclaim from students and educators alike as the go-to resource for AP European History test prep. ACHIEVER goes beyond mere fact-based narrative to provide students with a rich analysis of key figures and events, continually drawing meaningful connections to course themes and highlighting the application of historical thinking skills and reasoning practices. This is the secret ingredient that trains students to earn those high-level points needed for a perfect score.”
“We could brag about ACHIEVER having more test items than any of the competitors—which it does,” continues Nazarian, “but we’d rather emphasize the quality of Chris Freiler’s test items and how they are the closest match to the content and format of the AP Euro exam of any review book on the market. Chris’s incredible attention to detail also means that no test item ever deals with content not covered in the course curriculum. No other test prep resource for AP Euro can make that claim.”
Christopher Freiler has taught Advanced Placement European History at Hinsdale Central High School in Hinsdale, IL, since 1993. Additionally, he has taught Philosophy Honors since 2003, a course he proposed and developed. He has been involved with the national AP program since 1997, serving as a workshop consultant and in leadership positions for the annual exam scoring, the re-design of the AP European History course curriculum, and in the development of the current test format. Chris earned his B.A. in History and Political Science with highest distinction at Northwestern University, M.A. in History at University of Virginia, and M.A. in Philosophy at Northern Illinois University. He was honored as a Distinguished Teacher by the White House Commission on Presidential Scholars, 1995, as well as numerous other awards and recognitions for excellence in education.
Achiever is available now on Amazon at the link below.
ACHIEVER will be available everywhere starting April 10, 2021. For more information, please visit
Launched in August of 2014 and based in West Milford, NJ, Sherpa Learning is a trusted publisher of print and digital skills-based instructional resources written by rock star teachers (i.e., leaders within their discipline) for Advanced Placement (AP) and other high-level courses. Founded on the principle that educators should author educational resources with collaborative input from the extended teaching community, Sherpa Learning develops resources for teachers, by teachers. Over 2,200 educators from across the country are registered with Team Sherpa to review, develop, and test original content. The company is currently producing both online and print resources for AP, Pre-AP, and Honors courses.
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