Unit 3: The Revolution & the New Nation - Discussion Questions | Sherpa Learning

Unit 3: The Revolution & the New Nation - Discussion Questions

U.S. History Skillbook

Unit 3: The Revolution & the New Nation

Discussion Questions

Part A

  1. How did the struggle over the Ohio River Valley lead to war between France and England in 1754-1755?
  2. How did the British victory in the Seven Years War help bring on the American Revolution?
  3. Which single action between 1763 and 1776 was most damaging to British-colonial relations? Defend your choice.
  4. Despite the British legislative retreat between 1770 and 1776, how did events overtake British attempts to pacify the colonies?
  5. Which three individuals were most responsible for the rupture between Britain and the colonies? Defend your answer.
  6. Why did Britain believe the military phase of the revolt would be brief?
  7. How could one argue that the Americans did not win their independence but rather that the British lost the colonies?
  8. Why did France help the colonies? How did this motivation cause friction in 1783 between France and the fledgling United States?
  9. What conflicting interests appeared among the nations in settling the Revolution in 1783?
  10. In what ways was the Revolution revolutionary? In what ways was it not?

Part B

  1. How did the Articles of Confederation reflect America’s political experiences of the previous twenty years?
  2. Who were the supporters of the Articles of Confederation throughout the 1780s? Why did they support them?
  3. What groups opposed the Articles? Why?
  4. Was the Constitution a betrayal of the American Revolution? Why or why not?
  5. What factors were most important in creating political factions (parties) in the 1790s?
  6. How did the Federalists look to the future economically but to the past politically?
  7. How did Hamilton’s financial plan have both an economic and a political agenda?
  8. As the 1790s unfolded, how did George Washington show himself to be a Federalist?
  9. In what ways did John Adams help ensure a Republican victory in 1800?